S Pink Premium Pointer


Friday, January 24, 2014

Pet Hamsters: The Pet of the Week!

                                                                    Pet Hamsters!

Just a reminder that these cute cuddly creatures are available for ALL jammers in ALL of Jamaa, member or non-member! You can find them at Paws and Claws ( in Appondale ) or in other places around Jamaa, such as Coral Canyons! They are only 400 gems and are so adorable!! They also make perfect companions, and will follow you on all your adventures!
You can also become your adorable hamster at the Play as Your Pet Party, and bring your pet along for some fun at the Pets Only party! Isn't that awesome?
Plus, you can have as many as you want! Nothing can top that!
Every week, we feature all sorts of pets you can find around Jamaa, plus info about them and updates! 
What is your opinion on these hamsters? Do you have one? What's its name? And also, what do you think about the pet eagles coming to Jamaa? Leave your answers down below!

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