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Meet the Alphas!

Meet the jamtastic Alphas of Jamaa and get to know each of them

                                                       Pic Courtesy of The Daily Explorer


Cosmo, the koala alpha, is th youngest of the alphas, along with Peck. He is able to understand plants and he uses it to his advantage, concocting amazing mixtures only plants know. He is also famous for his boom seeds and the chomper plants that he created to protect all jammers from the pesky phantoms. Like Peck, Cosmo sometimes likes to joke around, but he never jokes about his love for the natural world, which he respects deeply.

                                                        Pic Courtesy of The Daily Explorer

Sir Gilbert

Sir Gilbert is the tiger alpha. Despite his fearsome appearance, Sir Gilbert is very polite and quietly dignified. He led the alphas against the phantoms and planned a carefully laid out plan that turned chaotic after Peck and Graham became impatient and tried to speed things up. Even though he strives to protect Jamaa, he would prefer a quieter life of studying the animals of Jamaa.

Pic Courtesy of The Daily Explorer


Peck is the rabbit alpha and the youngest of the alphas, along with Cosmo. She was chosen by Mira after the Phantom war. Though Sir Gilbert wonders if Mira made the right choice, Peck is full of talent. She is an amazing artist and works hard to make Jamaa look beautiful and inspire others. However, Peck has a really bad temper. Whenever Phantoms are attacking, she goes into full-throttle attack mode, letting her insticts take over and planning until much later. She never seems to run out of ideas and just can't sit still!

Pic Courtesy of The Daily Explorer


The monkey alpha, Graham, is always full of ideas for how to make things easier. He likes working with gears and pulleys to create useful contraptions, such as traps. He had the idea of making a boulder-moving machine to get an enormous boulder -that was sealing a phantom cavern- out of the way. It is also useful for breaking cocunuts, as well.

Pic Courtesy of The Daily Explorer


As the wolf alpha, Greely is often misunderstood among the inhabitants of Jamaa. He prefers to stay away from Jamaa and the tiger alpha, Sir Gilbert, whom Greely does not like very much. His humorless, menacing look and his ability to move between shadows is one of the reasons many animals are scared of him. Though he is not very trustworthy, everyone in Jamaa respects him. He also knows more about the phantoms than anybody.

Pic Courtesy of The Daily Explorer


Liza, the panda alpha, is one of the most recognized alpha of the group, since she is the one who welcomes everyone into the world of Jamaa and prepares them for their adventures. She is also a good peacemaker, since she brought all of the alphas together and convinced them to cooperate to defeat the phantoms. 

Which of the alphas is your favorite? Which one is your least favorite? Which alpha do you think is the most like you? Leave your comments below!

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